16 September 2015


Je matarajio ya wananchi yanalingana? na je Viongozi wanaomba kula ni wazalendo?.Hatma yake tutaijua baada ya miaka mitano ya awamu ya ya tano kwa Rais atakaye chaguliwa na  kutimiza ILANI ya chama chake.Je katika ilani ya vyama ukiwa unafuatilia siasa ya Tanzania ni ipi unayoamini kuwa itatekelezwa ipasavyo? nijulishe kwa kupitia parua pepe yangu hapa. hungazblog@gmail.com. Asanteni.

10 January 2015


It's 2015!!! Happy new year to all of you, It's a year to watch out for. Great things are set to happen. Your life will take an upward shift. Get ready to shift and soar. God's grace and power will cause you to fulfil destiny. You will succeed. Enjoy a glorious 2015. Blessings, -hungaz

26 September 2014


WEDDING TEST –Adults  Only!!
My wonderful girlfriend and I had been dating over a year and so we decided to get married. There was only one little thing bothering me…Itwas her beautiful younger sister. My prospective 21 year old sister-in-law, always wore very tight mini skirts, and often times went bra-less. She would regularly bend down when she was near me, and I've always got more than a nice view. One day her little sis called and asked me to come over to check out the wedding invitations. She was alone when I arrived, and she whispered to me that she had feelings and desires for me that she couldn’t overcome. She told me that she wanted to have me just once before I get married, and commit my life to her sister. Well, I was in total shock, and couldn’t say a word. She said, I’m going upstairs to my room, and if you want one last wild fling, just come up and get me. I was stunned and frozen in shock as I watched her go upstairs. I stood there for a moment, then turned and headed straight to the front door. I opened the door, and headed straight towards my car. Behold, my future family were standing outside, all clapping! With tears in his eyes, my father-in-law hugged me and said “We are very happy that you have passed our little
test. We couldn’t have ask for a better man for our daughter "Welcome to the family, son!”.
I smiled and heaved a sigh of relief because I was actually heading to my
car to get my condoms …NA GOD SAVE
ME O!.. 😀

23 September 2014

Tumerudi hewani

Wandugu wajameni samani sana kwa kuwa kimya.Sasa tumerudi hewani na tuko kamili kuwaletea taarifa za hapa na pale zinazotokea katika jamii zetu..asanteni sana kwa uvumilivu na poleni kwa usumbufu na usumbufu .

17 August 2014


Na Nickson Mahundi,Ludewa.
Utata umeendelea kugubika kwa wananchi wa wilaya ya Ludewa kuhusiana na mmiliki wa Mbwa ambao walimuua mtoto Ibrahim Faraja Chipungahelo Bw.Bosco Thobias Lingalangala uhalali wa kuyanunua baadhi ya majengo ya Ikulu ndogo ya wilaya ya Ludewa na kugeuza sehemu ya kufuigia mbwa ambao ni hatari kwa maisha ya Binadamu.
Hali hiyo ya sintofahamu imeendelea kuwashangaza wananchi hao wenye shauku ya kuhoji kwa viongozi mbalimbali wa kitaifa watakatembelea wilaya hiyo kuanzia sasa kutokana na miliki huyo kumiliki majengo hayo ya ikulu na kuendelea kuwatishia Bastola pindi wanapopita katika Ikulu hiyo.
Akiongea kwa jazba Bw.Kasbeth Mhagama wakati akifanyiwa mahojiano na waandishi wa habari kuhusiana na tukio hilo la mtoto kuuawa na mbwa kisha kuliwa nyama alisema kuwa wananchi wameshangazwa na ujasili wa mtu huyo kwa majibu yake ya kejeli kwa wafiwa.
Mbwa wa aina hii bila uangalizi wanaweza kuhatarisha maisha ya mtu
Bw.Mhagama alisema tayari Mbwa hao walikuwa wameshawala mbuzi zaidi ya 57 lakini hakuna hatua yoyote iliyochukuliwa katika hilo na mmiliki huyo amekuwa na nguvu kubwa ikiwemo ya kununua baadhi ya majengo ya ikulu hali ambayo ni hatari sana kwa wananchi.
“tunashangazwa na hali hii inayoruhusu mwananchi wa kawaida kumiliki majengo ya Ikulu na kuwatisha watu na bastora kila wakati na tunajiuliza ninani aliyoko ngazi ya juu yaani taifani anayempa kiburi hicho ambacho kinawafanya wananchi wa wilaya ya ludewa wasiishi kwa amani”,alisema Bw.Mhagama.


Displaying marehemu Ibrahim akiwa na wanafamilia wakati wa uhai wake-koti la blue.jpgDisplaying Marehemu Ibrahim enzi za uhai wake.jpg
marehemu Ibrahim akiwa na wanafamilia wakati wa uhai wake-koti la blue na Picha Ndogo pembeni
Erasto Gideon Chipungahelo
 President Africa Tourism Promotion Center ,owner and Organisers of Miss Tourism Tanzania,Miss University Tourism World,World Great Safari Tour,Ant Poaching International Marathon,National Parks International Marathon,Miss Heritage World Pageant and World Tourism Awards- The Symbol Of World Heritage

10 August 2014


Kwa mujibu wa taarifa toka kwa Ndugu Francia ambaye alikuwa mmoja wa washiriki wetu pale Serena Hotel Tanzania kwa ajili ya mkutano huo tunawakilisha taarifa fupi ya matukio ya mkutano huo uliofanyika tarehe 14 na 15 august 2014:

"Jamani Diaspora Homecoming event 2014 ilikuwa nzuri na ya mafanikio sana. Hongera kwa waandaaji Susan Mzee na Team yako. You really exceeded most people's expectations. Weldone guys. I was honored to be the Singer for the event Thank you so much.
Naomba kushare Baadhi ya Mada, najua kuna wawakilishi watakaowaambia kila kitu but nimeona kama mshiriki ningependa kuwarushia some few dondoos.

Suala la Uraia pacha bado ni la mbali na si la kutegemewa kufanikiwa hv karibuni. Rais bado anasisitiza kwamba WaTZ wa diaspora hamjalitilia mkazo na kulipigia debe enough. Liko kwenye mjadala lkn waandaaji katiba wanahitaji kupewa vigezo vya kutosha kuonyesha umuhimu wa hili swala. kumbukeni katiba inaandaliwa na wasomi wa hali ya juu hivyo kuwaface hawa watu na hoja zenu ili wabadili sheria you need to be well organised, na mna evidence za kujiback up. so more research in this area is needed esp kutoka nchi za Africa zenye uraia pacha, kusema faida na hasara kwa wanadiaspora na nchi km hii sheria itapitishwa..
Ilipendekezwa na baadhi ya watu kwamba kuwe na link moja (Website or Blog) ya wanadiaspora woooote duniani ambayo itatumiwa kutuma mapendekezo na kushare ideas na mambo mbali mbali yanayohusu WaTZ wa diaspora, at the same time kutumiwa na ofisi za diaspora Tanzania au hata watu wengine kuwasiliana nasi. This is still a suggestion.Baadhi ya watanzania wanapendekeza greencard instead of uraia pacha.
- Mada kutoka makampuni ni pamoja na Watanzania mlio nje ya nchi (whatever the nationality) mnahimizwa na kuhamasishwa kununua nyumba za National Housing zinazojengwa maeneo mbalimbali nchini. Kutoka NHC wenyewe hizi nyumba ni the cheapest kulinganisha na nyumba zinazouzwa na makampuni mengine.
Kuhusu mortgage walisema kuna uwezekano wa kutumia bank za nje, however KCB TZ bank na baadhi ya bank nyingine hapa nchini zina account ya diaspora hivyo mnaweza kutumia hizi bank kupata mortgage.

Amemalizia kwa kusema:
Mambo mengine yaliyozungumziwa ni mikopo ya elimu ya juu nchini kwa wale wanaotaka watoto wao waje kusoma TZ, Sasa kuna mikopo kupitia Higher Education Students' loans Board. Hivyo kuna mikopo ya kuwasomesha watoto wenu na nyie wenyewe hapa nchini. kama unataka kusoma nje ni baadhi ya nchi tu zina mkataba e.g Quba, Ukraine na zingine nimesahau but not nchi kama UK, US.

Jamani hizi ni baadhi ya mambo mengi mno yaliyozungumzwa, swala la investments ndo limeongelewa sana na WaTZ mmehimizwa kuinvest nchini kwenu.

Je kwa mtazamo wako unalionaje swala hili? wasiliana nami kwa barua pepe ili tuifungue jamii;

Habari katika picha kwa hisani ya Ndg Francia

Greeting with President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete at the Diaspora Event, Serena Hotel Tanzania

UK Diaspora Ladies na Issa Michuzi aka Ankal 

18 July 2014

the brand new video for WizKid's "Show You The Money"

The tag team of EME & STARBOY are proud to jointly present to you the brand new video for WizKid's "Show You The Money"... the video was shot on location in the exact same hood that Wiz grew up in, and shows that he hasn't forgotten his roots as he celebrates with everyone, young and old... this one is sure to keep global dance floors rocking. The video was directed by Patrick Ellis, and the jam was produced by Shizzi. We hope you enjoy this as you watch.

11 July 2014

Mizengo Pinda priminister of Tanzania Visit in Reading UK

What a wonderful day, I was so excited to see my prime minister  Mr Mizengo Pinda, lots of people got to ask  their questions and i even got to ask mine on drugs issues and guns.
He was not on an official visit, but he decided to come and see how we are getting on and copying with life for the diaspora in Reading UK. He was very impressed with first great westerns train facilities.he even wished that service could be applied for Tanzania with Mwakyembe's programme,. Hungaz without going into details we are happy to drop these pictures for your gesture. God bless Tanzania and  the whole Africa.

30 June 2014

Uingereza inakabiliwa na upungufu wa Mbegu za kiume

Uingereza inakabiliwa na upungufu wa Mbegu za kiume hali ambayo huenda ikalazimu kiliniki za matibabu ya uzazi nchini humo kuchukua mbegu duni.

Onyo hili limetolewa na shirika la kijamii la matibabu ya uzazi nchini humo BFS.
Inadaiwa kuwa baadhi ya kliniki hizo hutegemea shahawa kutoka nchi za kigeni kutokana na mahitaji yake nchini humo.
 Lakini mwenyekiti wa shirika hilo Daktari Allan Pacey amesema kuwa ana wasiwasi kwamba baadhi ya vituo hivyo vya matibabu sasa vinatumia kila njia ili kupata wafadhili wa mbegu hizo.
Amesema kuwa wanawake watakabiliwa na mbinu zitakazogharimu kiasi kikubwa cha fedha iwapo mbegu duni zitatumiwa.
Inadaiwa kuwa upungufu huo unasababishwa na kuondelewa kwa sheria kwamba majina ya wanaotoa mbegu hizo sasa ni sharti yajulikane ikilinganishwa hapo awali ambapo watu wengi walipendelea kuficha majina yao.
Mahitaji ya wafadhili wa shahawa yanazidi kushuka kwa kuwa maendeleo ya matibabu ya uzazi yanawafanya wanaume wengi kutafuta watoto wao wenyewe.
Hatahivyo uhaba wa wafadhili wa mbegu za kiume bado upo.
Takwimu kutoka mamlaka ya kudhibti uzazi wa binaadamu zinaonyesha kuwa moja kati ya mbegu nne za kiume zimetoka katika mataifa ya kigeni.
Takwimu hizo zilikuwa moja katika kila mbegu kumi mnamo mwaka 2005.-Toka BBC Swahili news.

25 June 2014

ZIFF Film Festival:
Tanzanian Hip-Hop artist Fid Q (center) poses with PEPFAR and USAID project leaders at the premier of "It's All About the People” at the Zanzibar International Film Festival on Sunday. The documentary showcased Tanzania’s scale up of voluntary male circumcision (VMMC) services, with the potential to avert more than 3 million future HIV infections in the country.
At the premier, PEPFAR Coordinator Brian Rettmann stated, "In collaboration with the government of Tanzania, civil society organizations, and private sector partners, we must all join to do our part to deliver a better future for all Tanzanians. PEPFAR believes that making smart investments based on sound science and a shared global responsibility we can save millions of lives and achieve an ‪#‎AIDSFreeGen‬."

17 June 2014

Al-Shabab killed 48 in Kenya during World cup viewing session

WATU 48 wameripotiwa kuuawa, hoteli mbili, kituo cha polisi na kituo cha mafuta kuchomwa moto baada ya shambulio lililotokea eneo la Mpeketoni, Lamu nchini Kenya jana usiku.Kituo cha Polisi cha Mpeketoni, hoteli ya Breeze View na Taweel ndivyo vilivyochomwa moto na moshi ulikuwa bado unafuka leo  asubuhi .Imeelezwa kuwa washambuliaji walitokomea na silaha na magari ya polisi kutoka kutuo hicho cha polisi baaya kushabulia.
Kwa habari zaidi bofya hapa

4 June 2014

Maternal Death in Tanzania WHY????

In modern world a caesarean section takes place with precaution
Sad! but that is the reality of our sister's,mothers aunt's and all women in Tanzania and the whole southern Sahara. Deaths of mothers and children during pregnancy till birth have been increasing in numbers. Today i have lost a close relative of mine who was still young and healthy, she had Caesarean section  birth and soon after the baby was born she started having headache and died.As far as i have heard from source it seems that this incident is among the numbers of mothers who lost their lives in the same way. Recho Haule bongo movie star died in a similar case.Truly i don't understand whats going on in BONGO hospitals?????

"Im sad to say jamani I have just lost My cousin JENNY ERASTO KITENDE. She was giving Birth today at Temeke Hospital. They operated her and suddenly her health deteriorate. Nalia kwa huzuni. Baba yake kafa 3 months ago now yeye. Binti mdogo wa under 30yrs. Uwiiiii Maternal Death na Tanzania hadi lini jamaniiii.Haswa hii hospital ya Temeke. R.I.P MDOGO WANGU"
Medical Neglet who is accountable Hospital na wizara ya Afya !!?? Wamama wanakufa kila siku na watoto wao. Mtu akizikwa tu case closed. Sadly my cuzin Jenny alilalamika sana kwamba hajisikii vizuri pressure ilikuwa juu sana na hadi anakufa no one served her. No one worked on her to manage the high blood pressure. Je kweli tuna madoctor na manurse waukweli au wakwenye vyeti tuuu???. Nasikitika sana nchi yangu..-Melsmum(FB)

Maternal death ni nyingi sana esp govt hospitals yan mzazi akipata complication kdg akikosa huduma nzuri anakufa inaogopesha sana ndio maana watu wakitaka kujifungua km una kauwezo kakua na private dr ni afadhali mana bora utumie gharama kubwa kuokoa maisha yako, je kwa wale wasio na uwezo huo wafanyeje? inaumiza sana kuona mama anakufa wkt wakujifungua au mtoto anakufa kwa uzembe wa wauguzi wakat kuna preucation zakuchukua-by Regina Chilongozi

Mozes Mikidadi Pole sana. hii hali haikuanza leo wala haitokwisha sasaiv hadi hapo tutakapo funguka na kuifungulia wizara ya afya ( kesi ya mauaji ya kizembe inayosababshwa na waajiriwa wao) lasivyo akina mama watakufa sana kwa uzembe wao

Neema Ngaga Yaan hizi hospital zetu ni hatari mtu anakwenda pale kwa ajili ya kuokoa maisha yake lakin sasa hv huku TZ ukienda GVT hospital unaenda kumaliza maisha yako!So sad jaman

what do you think is the problem and what would be the right solution to stop it or even to reduce these deaths? email hungaz at hungazblog@gmail.com

BARAKA NYAMA: Atoa shukrani baada ya mazishi ya Bi AMINA ZAHARA MTENGETI

Kwa niaba ya Familia yangu, napenda kutoa shukurani za dhati kwa Ndugu,Jamaa, Marafiki wote na Viongozi wa Vyama na Serikali waliojitokeza kushirikiana nasi katika shughuli za mazishi ya Mama yetu Mpendwa Bi AMINA ZAHARA MTENGETI. Hatuna la kuwalipa ila tunamuomba Mola awaongeze.
MAY ALLAH GRANT GRANT YOU JANNAT the COOLEST OF THEM ALL. Will miss your humour, advice, wisdom and above all your unconditional LOVE even when I done you wrong. See you on a other side MAMA

2 June 2014

Museveni Pays tribute to The former first Tanzania President at The Namugongo

I was the Chief Guest, yesterday afternoon, at the Mass organised at the Uganda Matyrs' Shrine Namugongo, in memory of the former President of Tanzania for his outstanding contribution to Tanzania and to Africa.
The late Mwalimu was a Pan-Africanist who loved God and mankind. He united the people of Tanzania and helped liberate most African countries like Zimbabwe, Namibia, Angola, South Africa and Uganda.
I salute his contribution to our struggle for freedom. If Nyerere had not helped us get rid of Idi Amin's regime, Uganda would not have contributed to the restoration of peace and security in other African countries like in Burundi, the Congo, Somalia, Rwanda and Kenya among others.