8 February 2014

Bob Marley still remmembered

Bob Marley in the ghetto

 Someone impact in myself when I say bob marley the first thing comes on your minds singer who was addicted marijuana But you do not know that Bob Marley is story of the struggle started as dustman And ended up as the most influential artist in the second half of the twentieth century. 
Citizen of Jamaica had a dream to fights racism against blacks Even Carved his name in Walk of Fame in Los Angeles in 2001 with Hollywood stars
Bob has been awarded a medal from his country's senior month before his death for his role in spreading peace and freedom inside and outside of JAMAICA 

Bob taught me that a person can make of his career a message to the world whatever it was . and could convert all of his energies into positive energy Even poverty and suffering energy's 

allowed disease to kill him because he refused to give up her. Fought to the last moment of his age by tender and singing for peace ... Whatever I talked about this person i owe his right in the lesson that he was taught me no despair with life and no life with despair 

after singing about love Natural peace and every thing Beautiful bob sang for women in his Famous song no women no cry but Unfortunately the most famous song for bob had the worst understanding of people ... Most people thought that he meant if there is no women there is no cry but no one of them know that he mean please women do not cry ... I hope that I could receipt my message by me.RIP Bob!!-
Lamis Alajarmah

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